We are —
We don't look back at our entourage,
Yes, we are leaders
We don't stop and say:
"We are already the best."
who are always ahead of the competition.
we look to the future.
We are the Beeline team, and we want to be successful in a world that changes every second and does not guarantee the status quo to anyone.
We choose to create the future but not wait for it to happen.
Therefore, the focus of our company
today is the development of a culture of entrepreneurship and self-organization.
Why is this important?
We want everyone in Beeline, in their respective roles, to be able to implement ideas, pursue ambitions and influence development of the business. What the company will be like tomorrow depends on how we act today.
Our philosophy lies in continuous
Beeline Kazakhstan DOers
speak louder than words.
For us, actions always
growth and active actions.
We are the generation of
are our superpower.
Speed ​​and improvement
are our fuel.
Drive and dreams
we succeed!
That is why
We don't give up and we don't slow down anybody, we don't sweep mistakes under the rug, we implement new ideas, we create results that change the game.
For somebody it may be too much, but for us it is definitely a match.
If you are too fast, too effective and too brave DOer... you definitely match the company.
Yes, we are always "too much": too successful and ambitious, always inventing something new, even if everything works anyway.
Connect your ambitions with the company's goals.
You can achieve incredible results if you gather together what inspires you with what the business needs
Manifesto of
«Beeline Kazakhstan» DOers
Don't stop, there is always another solution
If you encounter an obstacle on the way, this is not a reason to stop. Many paths lead to the same goal, try!
Create conditions for valuable insights and growth
We create an environment where you can share your insights and take responsibility. To accelerate or to be a barrier is up to you. Choose to be a support.
Act and don't be philosophical
You don't need a perfectly verified plan and a crowd of approvers. What you can do here and now is the main focus.
Ask yourself: "What do I really want for myself? What do I want to be proud of in two years?"
Look at your annual goals: what particularly "hooks" and inspires you?
What you definitely need to do right now
Look at your goals and find what inspires you.
You can find your ambitions in any goal. Don't wait for someone to do it for you.
Don't wait for the right time. Now is the best time to start moving to acheve your goal!
There will be no verified plan. It's important to start moving, everything will definitely change.
Choose a goal that seems "too much" - this is the only way to grow.
Don't be afraid that you don't know yet how you will achieve it.
Challenges: "What else can I do..."
...and don't say "we are already the best."
What does this mean in practice
Gather your ambitions together with the company's goals
Act and don't be philosophical
Check hypotheses, try in practice...
...and don't deliberate why it won't work, and don't look for just one right solution.
If you are confident in the decision and authority, tell it and do it!
And don't insure yourself with unnecessary approvals and waiting for a slot in the calendar in two weeks.
Erase the boundaries and do better if you see that something is not working.
There is no "it doesn't work for them", there is only
"it doesn't work for us". If you know how to improve, don't stay silent — suggest and show.
Everyone leaves the meeting with a specific action.
What you definitely need to do right now
What does this mean in practice
If you hear "no", ask what to do to make it "yes".
Don't give up. There are a million ways to achieve a result. If one doesn't work, try the other 999.999.
Don't give up because of failure, and turn mistakes into lessons.
Try again and again, draw conclusions and work on mistakes.
Quickly restructure and find new ways and solutions.
By not giving up on ineffective things in time, you are stealing our salaries.
Don't stop, there is always another solution
Immediately think about the arguments in favor of your idea. What will it give to the team?
And what will it give to the whole company?
What you definitely need to do right now
What does this mean in practice
Create conditions for valuable ideas and growth
Don't "surround yourself" with meetings and approvals. Make decisions in one go.
This way we lose speed, and our decision becomes irrelevant.
Don't be a barrier: speed up decisions and simplify processes.
If you can entrust the decision to an expert, do it.
Don't say no to new ideas, but answer: "Tell me more about this", "How can I help?", "Yes, and...".
Any idea can be improved. Help make it useful for the company.
Resolve an internal client's request in one call or set a minimum deadline for your response.
What you definitely need to do right now
What does this mean in practice
Select a maximum of three approvers for each task. If this doesn't work, suggest how to simplify the process in the future.
Join us
There are already
Do you support the DOer manifesto?
of us
To turn the manifesto's principles into action, we have created a path of practical steps: over the course of ten weeks, we launch projects, training programs, new rituals, and interactive activities that will move the culture forward.
The Culture Champions, a community of the most active and courageous leaders, act as ambassadors on this track. Together, they come up with and implement initiatives, helping to spread DOer energy.
Our flagship project is called "The Entrepreneur's Path," and its participants study the experience of internal entrepreneurs under a magnifying glass and find out what barriers and points of support they encounter on the path from idea to result.
The task is to find solutions that will make this path faster and more convenient.
Learning through interactive educational programs, challenges and competitions, and exchanging best practices with colleagues and experts helps us think and act in a new way.
And to track progress, we conduct live broadcasts with CEOs and CxOs, where we discuss new principles of corporate culture and how they are implemented in daily work.
Community is a safe and comfortable environment for implementing ideas.
The Community of Culture Champions became an active driver of the first projects.
A team of leaders of the first initiatives. The community unites brave and creative colleagues who not only love to invent something, but are eager to implement improvements.
They have already divided into subteams and started working through the ideas for developing a culture of growth and entrepreneurship in the company.
There is no place for judgment and skepticism, no one will say: "This won't fly." The participants themselves manage the community, formulate the rules of the game, share insights with each other and lead projects independently.
Community of
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in progress
Set of tools for upgrading ideas
A valuable insights may initially look raw or insufficiently substantiated. An internal entrepreneur will be helped by a "starter kit" that will help to evaluate effects, risks, discuss an idea by using AI, do a cheap-and-dirty check or prepare arguments, and also find like-minded people.
Our team:
Rafik Gusseinov
Lyazzat Tlepova
Nurzhan Zhartybayev
Mikhail Passechnyy
in progress
Super checklist for meetings
Launch of a checklist, golden rules and rituals for holding the most effective meetings. A set of tools and technical solutions is being developed that will help achieve results following meetings and improve the emotional state of participants.
Our team:
Aidos Kenzheshov
Aizhan Holovan
Xeniya Vassilenko
Alibek Kapsalanov
Inna Tikhonova
Dinara Nurbekova
Botakoz Beribayeva
in progress
Challenge accelerator
Cool business ideas are floating around, and one of them can become the basis for breakthrough results. And for an entrepreneur, the implementation of an idea becomes a real challenge and a cool experience of upgrading skills. The Challenge accelerator combines these tasks and will help transform ideas into results. Work is also underway on DOer onboarding.
Our team:
Rustam Baspanov
Adil Yeskaliyev
Didik Yevgeniya
in progress
Online tool "Setting up the radar of opportunities"
It is not always easy to see new opportunities and find an inspiring goal in the operating system, especially if you work in one of the best companies on the market: the bar is already high.
The online tool will help you see fresh trends and practices of other industries to find inspiring goals in your work.
Our team:
Nadezhda Kakusha
Asel Dosanova
Yelena Svoik
Nurlan Saparbayev
in progress
Internal Processologist Recruitment
There are many processes in the company, they are opaque and change frequently. It is difficult for an internal user to influence the process, and sometimes even just understand it. To make things better, we need a solution with useful tools for those who create or change processes in the company.
Our team:
Aida Alimzhanova
Diana Yessenbayeva
Nurzhan Zhartybayev
Sabina Baratova
Dina Assanbekova
in progress
Entrepreneurship Award
The "Entrepreneurship" Award is designed to recognize and reward employees who demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit by proposing and implementing innovative solutions. This award not only recognizes the contribution of employees, but also helps the company constantly evolve.
Our team:
Kristina Nikulina
Alina Nurgaziyeva
Yelena Kolyugayeva
Aida Alimzhanova
Nikolai Orlov
in progress
AI challenge to speed up any process
AI solves a bunch of routine tasks, but how actively do we integrate it into our work? The project team is looking for and studying opportunities to speed up and improve their work with AI and shares their experience.
Our team:
Dana Dosmukhambetova
Yekaterina Kashkina
Shynar Uteulina
Aliya Katkeyeva
Diana Kazakova
Anton Samsonov
Ten Yekaterina
Koval Alexandra
in progress
Updating job descriptions
The project is aimed at updating the responsibilities of employees. Due to innovations in the systems, many positions have changed. The updated instructions will help employees adapt faster and contribute to the emergence of valuable ideas.
Our team:
Abildanova Ardak
Sarbalina Gulbanu
Live broadcast with CEO and CxO "Time to do!"
At the meeting, we will talk about how to implement an entrepreneurial culture.
June 17th
Live broadcast with CEO and CxO "Connect your ambitions with the company's goals."
At the meeting we will talk about how each of us can find inspiration in our ambitions and achieve extraordinary results.
August 9th
Secret event for DOers
We will tell you about this secret event a little later :)
Secret event for DOers
We will tell you about this secret event a little later :)
Secret event for DOers
We will tell you about this secret event a little later :)
Secret event for DOers
We will tell you about this secret event a little later :)
It's time for DOers -
it's time to do!
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